Résistance démocratique: la question raciale et la Constitution fédérale de 1988

Autor: Gomes, Nilma Lino, Rodrigues, Tatiane Cosentino
Jazyk: portugalština
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Educação & Sociedade, Volume: 39, Issue: 145, Pages: 928-945, Published: 14 NOV 2018
Popis: RESUMO: Numa abordagem retrospectiva, este artigo objetivou resgatar as discussões sobre a temática étnico-racial no contexto da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte, responsável pela construção da Constituição Federal de 1988, considerada a “constituição cidadã”. No marco dos seus 30 anos, é importante reconhecer na Constituição de 1988 tanto os limites do alcance político de seu textono tratamento da questão racial, quanto os avanços que dela derivariam para a luta antirracista - avanços, sobretudo, ligados à implementação de suas leis complementares. O artigo abordaas ambiguidades do texto constitucional no campo da educação e aponta os desdobramentos relevantes na luta por igualdade racial e por ações afirmativas. ABSTRACT: In a retrospective approach, this article aimed at reviewing the discussions on ethno-racial issues in the context of the National Constituent Assembly, responsible for the development of the Federal Constitutionof 1988, considered the “citizen constitution”. In the context of its 30 years, it is important to recognize in this Constitution both the limits of the political cope of its text in the treatment of the racial issue and the advances that would derive from it in the anti-racist struggle - advances mainly related to the implementation of its complementary laws. The article will address the ambiguities of the constitutional text in the field of education, and will point out the relevant developments in the struggle for racial equality and affirmative action. Résumé: Dans une approche rétrospective, cet article vise à reprendre les discussions sur les questions ethnique-raciales au contexte de l’Assemblée Nationale Constituante, responsable pour élaborer la Constitution fédérale de 1988, considérée comme la « constitution citoyenne ». Au cadre de ses 30 ans, il est important de reconnaître dans La Constitution de 1988 les limites politiques en traitant la question raciale tant quant les avances de la lutte antiracisme -liés principalement à La mise en œuvre de ses lois complémentaires. On oborde aussi les ambiguïtés du texte constitutionnel au domaine de l’éducation et souligneles conséquences pertinents pour lalutte pour l’égalité raciale et actions affirmatives.
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