[Rezension zu:] Ioana Crăciun: Die Dekonstruktion des Bürgerlichen im Stummfilm der Weimarer Republik. WINTER Universitätsverlag, Heidelberg, 2015, 337 Seiten, ISBN: 978-3-8253-6416-8

Autor: Irod, Maria
Jazyk: němčina
Rok vydání: 2016
Popis: The latest publication of Professor Ioana Crăciun from the University of Bucharest deals with the (de)construction of bourgeois values and norms in the silent movies during the Weimar Republic. In five substantial chapters the author approaches the representation in the silent movies of different aspects which she considers relevant for that epoch. The themes range from the metropolis and its psychopathological aspects, the male homosexuality, the destiny of children, the law-breaking and the Doppelgänger motif.
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