Culture - Language - Violence

Autor: Dolník, Juraj
Jazyk: němčina
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Zum Verständnis der Gewalt dürfte der Versuch beitragen, einen prointuitiven, in der Natur der Sache begründeten Begriff zu konstruieren, dessen Wert in seinem erhöhten Erklärungspotenzial liegt. Im vorliegenden Text wird der Versuch vorgenommen, den Begriff "Gewalt" aus drei fundamentalen menschenkonstitutiven Faktoren abzuleiten, der es ermöglicht, die Gewalt aus der Sicht des Betroffenen systematisch zu beschreiben und erklären. In die Erörterungen werden Kultur und Sprache involviert und innerhalb von drei Subthemen - Interpretation und Gewalt, sprachliche Ordnung und Gewalt, soziale Interaktion und Gewalt - wird ihre Einbeziehung in die "Welt der Gewalt" aus besonderen Perspektiven ins Visier genommen. This paper is intended to be acontribution to clarification of the phenomenon violence with regard to culture and language. The elucidation is based on the concept of natural order that is embedded in the structure own world - not own world - epiworld. The author began by focusing on the idea that our natural order includes defensive reactions, too. If elements penetrate into our natural order in spite of these reactions, we perceive it as violence i.e. the disturbing of our natural orders against our will is an act of violence. The author then touches on the ways in which our natural orders are disturbed. He examines the disturbing of cultural order, considering the difference between more or less open and closed culture, and then shows that the constriction of realization of our interpretational potential is aform of violence, too. Another facet of violence he explores is the disturbing of the linguistic order in view of two approaches to this order that raise the fundamental question about the nature of this order in connection with the problem of violence. Finally, he turns to social interaction with respect to face-threatening acts and to the principle of balance between accommodation and assimilation in the interaction.
Databáze: OpenAIRE