Design of high-current L-valley GaAs/AlAs0.56Sb0.44/InP (111) ultra-thin-body nMOSFETs

Autor: Mehrotra, Saumitra, Povolotskyi, Michael, Law, Jeremy, Kubis, Tillmann, Klimeck, Gerhard, Rodwell, Mark
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Birck and NCN Publications
Popis: We propose and analyze a high-current III-V transistor design using electron transport in the Gamma- and L-valleys of (111) GaAs. Using sp(3)d(5)s* empirical tight-binding model for band-structure calculations and the top-of-the-barrier transport model, improved drive current is demonstrated using L-valley transport in a strained GaAs channel grown on an (111) InP substrate. At a body thickness of 2 nm the (111) GaAs/InP MOSFET design outperforms both (100) Si and (100) GaAs/InP for all EOTs larger than 0.3nm.
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