The Curious Instance of the Library's Travelling Poll: Determining Obstacles in the Research Process

Autor: Schoombee, Lucia
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Proceedings of the IATUL Conferences
Popis: The role of libraries in co-facilitating timeous and successful completion of postgraduate studies and increased research output is accentuated in the current, competitive academic environment. Faced with this challenge, libraries need to probe new territory, expand boundaries of service delivery and collaborate with academic support services. This paper describes an unconventional, visual method to explore service needs of researchers and research students. The method consists of an interactive poll which visually depicts the research lifecycle and allows respondents to point out arduous aspects in the research process. The poll is a collaborative project between the Library and the Information Technology Division of Stellenbosch University and was first administered during the Library’s Research Week in August 2013. While the focus is on the design and applicability of the instrument, initial findings of the on-going project will also be reported. The ultimate objective of the project is to enable the Library to create cohesive, collaborative support structures and services for research staff and students throughout the entire research project. This is envisaged through the identification of the prevalent obstacles by means of the interactive poll and subsequent collaboration with service partners on campus to address research support needs. The paper will be of interest to academic librarians interested in experimenting with creative ways of interacting with its member community. It also addresses a holistic approach to research support and collaboration as a service strategy.
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