Art contre/against Apartheid at Lunds Konsthall: an Entangled History of Art and Solidarity from Paris to Pretoria

Autor: Wadstein MacLeod, Katarina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Artl@s Bulletin
Popis: This article concerns the international touring exhibition Art contre/against Apartheid originating in France and which reached Lunds konsthall, Sweden in 1984 and was to tour the world for ten years. The aim with this exhibition was to raise awareness of the apartheid regime, cause international protest and ultimately remove the repressive political system. Using histoire croisée as a method this article investigates the different interests and stake-holders in the exhibition at Lunds konsthall, including the critique of the exhibition as resting on white supremacy. The purpose of the article is to locate the different intersections regarding international art, international politics and local history manifested through this exhibition.
Databáze: OpenAIRE