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デリー首都圏(NCR)では,1980 年代より首都デリーに隣接するグルガオン県やゴータマ・ブッダ・ナガル県において工業化が進展したが,近年は外延的な拡大が認められる。本稿は,その最前線といえるラージャスターン州アルワル県を対象として,工業団地開発と工業立地の実際を捉えることを目的とするものである。同県には,デリーとムンバイーを結ぶ高速幹線道路国道8号が通過し,その沿線において州政府が積極的な工業団地開発を実施している。同県の優位性は,ラージャスターン州では唯一デリーNCR内に位置し,その中では相対的に工業用地価格が安く,かつ入手可能な土地面積が広いことにある。なお,ラージャスターン州の州最低賃金もデリーNCR内では最も低いが,実際の企業立地において有利には働いていない。本稿の後半では,日系企業専用に開発されたニムラナ工業団地を事例として,立地企業の進出の経緯や取引状況,労働力構成について言及し,デリー首都圏工業化の最前線の現状を提示した。 The National Capital Region of Delhi (Delhi NCR), one of the largest metropolitan areas in India, has experienced dramatic industrial development since the 1980s. In the initial stage, large-scale industrial estates were developed in some districts abutted on Delhi, especially in Gurgaon, Haryana and Gautam Buddha Nagar, Uttar Pradesh. In recent years, industrialization has occurred in the remote area situated around 100 km from Delhi. This paper is to pick up Alwar District, Rajasthan as a research field for discussing the actual situation of the forefront of the expanding Delhi industrial agglomeration. While Rajasthan State consists of thirty-three districts, only Alwar is included in Delhi NCR. The northern part of the district is in the time distance that can be reached from Delhi about two hours through National Highway 8 (NH8) that has been renovated as main artery links Delhi to Mumbai. Rajasthan State Government has accelerated the development of industrial estates along with NH8 in the 2000s by its industrial development corporation (RIICO). It is thought that Alwar has the following competitive advantages in terms of industrial location. First, cost for acquisition of industrial land is much cheaper than that of Haryana. Second, cost of manpower is also lowest according to the minimum wage of four states constituting Delhi NCR. The author has checked these two points through his survey on companies that are located at Neemrana Industrial Estate developed by RIICO. Neemrana Industrial Estate consists of three parts, namely Phase I to III. Phase III is dedicated to Japanese companies and its land cost is 2,000 Rs. per square meter in the years of 2011 and 2012. All of the surveyed companies have highly appreciated this cheaper land cost as the most important factor of their location at the industrial estate. On the contrary, they have paid higher salary to their staffs than those of Haryana. As Neemrana is agricultural rural area just until recently, the supply of both engineers and managerial persons is quite poor. The companies at this industrial area have adopted the staffs mostly from Haryana, paying 10 to 20% higher salary than that of the state. Even taking on production workers, the companies have paid the same level of wages in Haryana. Therefore the author concludes that labor cost is not a location factor to trigger the expansion of Delhi industrial agglomeration. 本稿は,平成23・24年度科学研究費補助金基盤研究(B)「インド成長産業のダイナミズムと空間構造」(研究代表者:友澤和夫,課題番号23320180)ならびに同年度科学研究費補助金基盤研究(A)「現代インドにおけるメガ・リージョンの形成・発展と経済社会変動に関する研究」(研究代表者:岡橋秀典,課題番号23251020)による研究成果の一部である。 また本稿の骨子については,地理科学学会2012年度春季学術大会(2012年5月26日)において発表し,そこでの議論を踏まえて再構築したものである。 |