O. A. C. Review Volume 37 Issue 10, June 1925

Autor: Ontario Agricultural College
Přispěvatelé: Hannam, H. H., Young, L. C., Knox, H. A., James, T. H., Whitmore, J. E., Andrew, D. A., Fisher, W. C., Beck, E. C., Garland, W. A., Wright, E. G., Reid, C. G. L., Walley, G. S., Kingscote, A. A., Mackinney, G., Thompson, R. W., Scott, Miss K., Short, Miss D., University of Guelph, Literary Society of the Ontario Agricultural College
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1925
Popis: This issue begins with an article on the contributions of the O. A. C. Deans of Residence. Articles on experimental research address propagating potatoes in Ontario and new methods in ice cream technology. Horticultural articles pertain to propagating apples and the discipline of studying horticulture. Other articles provide an account of the Agricultural Enquiry Committee, the need for registration of beekeepers, and the effects of foot and mouth disease. One alumnus writes of his experience as a dog owner. Campus news focuses on the activities of the end of the school year such as the O. A. C. Baccalaureate Service. The Alumni column provides an update of alumni activities. The Macdonald Institute column highlights Mac Hall hosting the junior members of the Ontario Women's Institutes, and alumnae updates. Our College Songs Rural Deans Some observations on the Report of the Agricultural Enquiry Committee The potato: an important food crop for Ontario Registration of beekeepers Lure of Spring New methods for testing ice cream The human side of horticulture Thinning apples Pierre Foot and mouth disease Editorial Macdonald College life Alumni Locals advertising
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