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The aim of this study is to illuminate how the 19th century’s researchers Carl Axel Gottlund and Albrekt Segerstedt contributed to the design of the cultural heritage of the Forest Finns in northern Värmland. One book from each author was analyzed: Dagbok öfver mina vandringar på Wermlands och Solörs Finnskogar 1821 (1821/2021) by Gottlund, and Segerstedts samling: skogsfinnarna i Skandinavien: en kommenterad och illustrerad källutgåva (1888/2006) by Segerstedt. Theories from the ethnographic field, the critical heritage field and from the field of scientific theories were all utilized. This study shows that the construction of a cultural heritage can be affected by multiple different factors, and that the researchers’ and their different practices often have a central role. |