The new Century of Youth : What remains of the youth of reality in the 2018 election year?

Autor: Hasslöf Gustafsson, Lena
Jazyk: švédština
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: Henrik Berggren published a thesis in 1995 in which he presented two definitions of the concept of youth, which he based on studies of Swedish political youth rhetoric during the period 1900 to 1939. He called the definitions youth as a category of political action and the youth of reality. The latter of the two concepts is put forward by the Social Democrats' Youth Union (SSU) during the 1930s and is widely debated in their member body Frihet. The concepts meant that youth were seen as their own social group with their own needs and demands and that it was a group of individuals who were at the forefront of society and pushed the development of the new modern industrialized society by educating and organizing themselves for the good of society. The concepts are used as theoretical frameworks in this study of the political rhetoric in the 2018 election campaign as presented in editorial articles on SSU's media platform Frihet. Through a quantitative text analysis, what remains of the view of youth concepts is examined, and the study shows tendencies that in the 2018 election campaign, youth can still be seen as its own political category of action, but that the image of youth of reality appears to be split. Henrik Berggren utkom 1995 med en avhandling där han för fram två definitioner av begreppet ungdom som han baserar på studier av svensk politisk ungdomsretorik under perioden 1900 till 1939. Definitionerna kallar han ungdom som politisk handlingskategori och verklighetssynens ungdom. Det sista begreppet förs fram av Socialdemokraternas Ungdomsförbund (SSU) under 1930-talet och debatteras flitigt i deras medlemsorgan Frihet. Begreppen innebar att ungdom sågs som egen socialgrupp med egna behov och krav samt att det var en grupp individer som befann sig samhället framkant och drev på utvecklingen av det nya moderna industrialiserade samhället genom att utbilda och organisera sig för samhällets bästa. Begreppen används som teoretiska ramverk i denna studie av den politiska retoriken i valrörelsen 2018 som framförs i redaktionella artiklar på SSU:s mediaplattform Frihet. Genom en kvantitativ textanalys undersöks vad som lever kvar av synen på ungdomsbegreppen och studien visar tendenser på att i valrörelsen 2018 kan ungdom fortfarande ses som en egen politisk handlingskategori men att bilden av verklighetssynens ungdom till synes är kluven.
Databáze: OpenAIRE