Effectiveness and analysis of factors predictive of discharge to home in a 4-year cohort in a residential transitional care unit

Autor: Chan DKY, Zhang S, Liu Y, Upton C, Kurien PE, Li R, Hohenberg MI, Hung WT
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Popis: Objective:The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness and identify factors predictive of home discharge in a cohort of patients admitted to the residential Transitional Aged Care Program (r-TACP) after a stay in an acute hospital. Methods:A retrospective observational cohort study of patients admitted to a single r-TACP unit between 1 January 2014 and 31 December 2017 was carried out. Baseline patient characteristics and discharge outcomes were analyzed. Results:Three hundred sixty-nine patients were admitted during the study period. The discharge outcomes were as follows: 68% returned home, 17% went onto residential care, 14% were readmitted to hospital, and 1% died. Factors associated with not returning home were increased age, increased comorbidities, and lower Barthel Index on admission to the r-TACP. Conclusion:Our r-TACP is an effective program that successfully returns the majority (67.8%) of older patients home after an acute hospital admission. Older patients with greater comorbidities and poorer baseline functional status in our program were less likely to return home.
Databáze: OpenAIRE