E-health readiness for teams: A comprehensive conceptual model

Autor: Phillips, J, Yu, D, Poon, SK, Lam, M, Hines, M, Brunner, M, Keep, M, Power, E, Shaw, T, Togher, L
Rok vydání: 2017
Popis: © 2017 The authors and IOS Press. The use of information technology in the delivery of healthcare services is pervasive but faces many barriers. We propose a four-factor comprehensive conceptual model to provide a measure of interdisciplinary healthcare readiness to provide healthcare services using e-health. We incorporate factors from a series of focus group studies and the wider literature and construct a conceptual model. We utilise the Delphi method to establish content validity and use a series of Q sorts for initial construct validity. This model will improve patient outcomes through healthcare teams identifying barriers to using e-health effectively and efficiently.
Databáze: OpenAIRE