High dimensional clustering algorithm based on Local Significant Units

Autor: Zong, Y, Li, MC, Xu, GD, Zhang, YC
Rok vydání: 2010
Popis: High dimensional clustering algorithm based on equal or random width density grid cannot guarantee high quality clustering results in complicated data sets. In this paper, a High dimensional Clustering algorithm based on Local Significant Unit (HC_LSU) is proposed to deal with this problem, based on the kernel estimation and spatial statistical theory. Firstly, a structure, namely Local Significant Unit (LSU) is introduced by local kernel density estimation and spatial statistical test; secondly, a greedy algorithm named Greedy Algorithm for LSU (GA_LSU) is proposed to quickly find out the local significant units in the data set; and eventually, the single-linkage algorithm is run on the local significant units with the same attribute subset to generate the clustering results. Experimental results on 4 synthetic and 6 real world data sets showed that the proposed high-dimensional clustering algorithm, HC_LSU, could effectively find out high quality clustering results from the highly complicated data sets.
Databáze: OpenAIRE