Hur definierar vi kärr och mosse? : En internationell metastudie

Autor: Hachicho, Zakaria
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: Disagreements on how fens and bogs are defined warrants an evaluation of how researchers classify these habitats. Ongoing work with a new typology for ecosystems creates an urgency to understand the classification in the field. The aim of this meta-study was to assess authors' naming of fen and bogs habitats, with regards to pH and indicator species and their correspondence to existing classification systems across geographic and research divisions. Even if the terms fen and bog were widely used and understood, application in practice was lacking. Despite tests yielding significant differences and a stratification in the groups bog, poor fen and rich fen according to their pH values, we still note discrepancies and overlaps in definitions of these habitats that steered from our reference values. Different pH-reference intervals can give varying classifications. Moreover, the use of indicator species, beyond some separation between a few North American studies and the rest, showed how the same species were often used for different habitats. The agreement of research practice with our reference definitions should be looked at deeper with the remaining studies of the database. For now, the findings should emphasize the need for a more consistent use of peatland terms in the field.
Databáze: OpenAIRE