Machinable ceramic for high performance and compact THz optical components

Autor: Klein, Andreas K., Hammler, Jonathan, Balocco, Claudio, Gallant, Andrew J.
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Optical materials express, 2018, Vol.8(7), pp.1968-1975 [Peer Reviewed Journal]
Popis: The properties of Shapal Hi-M Soft, an aluminum nitride based ceramic, as a material for THz optical components are investigated and compared with other ceramic materials. Shapal is a low-cost and machinable ceramic with a high-refractive index and low losses at THz frequencies: n = 2.65, α = 0.4 cm−1. To demonstrate the shaping capabilities, a Fresnel lens is fabricated with a micro-milling system. Additionally, a prism as an example of a bulk component is demonstrated. Both a THz time domain spectrometer and a vector network analyzer (0.75–1.1 THz) are used for the optical characterization and the absorption coefficient is precisely obtained in the VNA frequency range.
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