Maraviroc Pharmacokinetics in HIV-1-Infected Pregnant Women

Autor: Colbers, A, Best, B, Schalkwijk, S, Wang, J, Stek, A, Hidalgo Tenorio, C, Hawkins, D, Taylor, G, Kreitchmann, R, Burchett, S, Haberl, A, Kabeya, K, Van Kasteren, M, Smith, E, Capparelli, E, Burger, D, Mirochnick, M, Van Der Ende, ME, Erasmus, M, Van Der Ven, AJAM, Nellen, J, Moltó, J, Nicastri, E, Giaquinto, C, Gingelmaier, A, Lyons, F, Lambert, J, Wyen, C, Faetkenheuer, G, Rockstroh, JK, Schwarze-Zander, C, Sadiq, ST, Gilleece, Y, Wood, C, Buschur, S, Jackson, C, Paul, M, Florez, C, Bryan, P, Stone, M, Katz, M, Auguste, R, Wiznia, A, Bruder, KL, Lewis, G, Casey, D, Losso, MH, Ivalo, SA, Hakim, A, Deveikis, A, Batra, J, Alvarez, JJ, Knapp, KM, Sublette, N, Wride, T, Febo, IL, Santos, R, Tamayo, V
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Colbers, A; Best, B; Schalkwijk, S; Wang, J; Stek, A; Hidalgo Tenorio, C; et al.(2015). Maraviroc Pharmacokinetics in HIV-1-Infected Pregnant Women. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 61(10), 1582-1589. doi: 10.1093/cid/civ587. UC San Diego: Retrieved from:
Popis: © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Infectious. Objective.To describe the pharmacokinetics of maraviroc in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected women during pregnancy and post partum. Methods.HIV-infected pregnant women receiving maraviroc as part of clinical care had intensive steady-state 12-hour pharmacokinetic profiles performed during the third trimester and ≥2 weeks after delivery. Cord blood samples and matching maternal blood samples were taken at delivery. The data were collected in 2 studies: P1026 (United States) and PANNA (Europe). Pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated. Results.Eighteen women were included in the analysis. Most women (12; 67%) received 150 mg of maraviroc twice daily with a protease inhibitor, 2 (11%) received 300 mg twice daily without a protease inhibitor, and 4 (22%) had an alternative regimen. The geometric mean ratios for third-trimester versus postpartum maraviroc were 0.72 (90% confidence interval,. 60-.88) for the area under the curve over a dosing interval (AUCtau) and 0.70 (0.58-0.85) for the maximum maraviroc concentration. Only 1 patient showed a trough concentration (Ctrough) below the suggested target of 50 ng/mL, both during pregnancy and post partum. The median ratio of maraviroc cord blood to maternal blood was 0.33 (range, 0.03-0.56). The viral load close to delivery was
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