Variability of radiocarbon during the 1760s in monthly corals from the Galapagos Islands

Autor: Druffel, ER, Griffin, S, Hwang, J, Komada, T, Beaupre, SR, Druffel-Rodriguez, KC, Santos, GM, Southon, J
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Druffel, ER; Druffel, ER; Griffin, S; Hwang, J; Komada, T; Beaupre, SR; et al.(2004). Variability of radiocarbon during the 1760s in monthly corals from the Galapagos Islands. Radiocarbon, 46(2), 627-631. UC Irvine: Retrieved from:
Popis: Radiocarbon (∆14C) measurements of monthly samples from a Galapagos surface coral are among the first data sets from the new Keck Carbon Cycle Accelerator Mass Spectrometry laboratory at the University of California, Irvine. An average ∆14C value of –62‰ is obtained for 144 measurements of samples from monthly coral bands that lived from about AD 1760–1771 (±6 yr). High ∆14C values were found during January through March, when upwelling was weak or absent at the Galapagos Islands. Low ∆14C values were obtained mid-year during strong upwelling. The average seasonal variability of ∆14C was 15–25‰, which is greater than that at other tropical and subtropical locations in the Pacific Ocean because of intense seasonal upwelling at this site. Periods of sustained high ∆14C values were found during 1762–1763 and 1766. A spectral analysis revealed that the spectral density for the ∆14C data displays most of its variance at the 5-yr cycle, which is reflective of El Niño periodicity during the 20th century.
Databáze: OpenAIRE