IMSA: Integrated Metagenomic Sequence Analysis for Identification of Exogenous Reads in a Host Genomic Background

Autor: Arron, Sarah, Dimon, MT, Wood, HM, Rabbitts, PH, Arron, ST
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Arron, Sarah; Dimon, MT; Wood, HM; Rabbitts, PH; & Arron, ST. (2013). IMSA: Integrated Metagenomic Sequence Analysis for Identification of Exogenous Reads in a Host Genomic Background. UC San Francisco: Retrieved from:
Popis: Metagenomics, the study of microbial genomes within diverse environments, is a rapidly developing field. The identification of microbial sequences within a host organism enables the study of human intestinal, respiratory, and skin microbiota, and has allow
Databáze: OpenAIRE