Design, Installation, and Performance of a Delay Tolerant Seismic Network in Mexico (SEI 1)

Autor: Allen Husker, Igor Stubailo, Martin Lukac, Alma Quezada, Steven Skinner, Irving Flores, Paul Davis, Richard Guy, Deborah Estrin
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: Allen Husker; Igor Stubailo; Martin Lukac; Alma Quezada; Steven Skinner; Irving Flores; et al.(2006). Design, Installation, and Performance of a Delay Tolerant Seismic Network in Mexico (SEI 1). Center for Embedded Network Sensing. UCLA: Center for Embedded Network Sensing. Retrieved from:
Popis: An overview of Mexican subduction is presented; including young lithosphere, flat slab subduction, and current knowledge of the position of the subducting Cocos and Rivera plates. North of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB) those positions become unclear. Geochemical analysis suggests that there may be a slab tear causing mafic volcanism along the northern edge of the (TMVB). A torn slab would suggest that the properties of subduction (i.e. possibly the age of the lithosphere and rate of subduction) have changed since its initiation. Moreover, a stub slab is sufficient to maintain subduction.
Databáze: OpenAIRE