Spatial working memory performance and fMRI activation interactions in abstinent adolescent marijuana users

Autor: Padula, Claudia B, Schweinsburg, Alecia D, Tapert, Susan F
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Padula, Claudia B; Schweinsburg, Alecia D; & Tapert, Susan F. (2007). Spatial working memory performance and fMRI activation interactions in abstinent adolescent marijuana users. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 21(4), 478-487. UC San Diego: Retrieved from:
Popis: Previous studies have suggested neural disruption and reorganization in adult marijuana users. However, it remains unclear whether these effects persist in adolescents after 28 days of abstinence and, if they do, what Performance X Brain Response interactions occur. Adolescent marijuana users (n = 17). and controls (n = 17) aged 16-18 years were recruited from local schools. Functional magnetic resonance imaging data were collected after 28 days' monitored abstinence as participants performed a spatial working memory task. Marijuana users show Performance X Brain Response interactions in the bilateral temporal lobes, left anterior cingulate, left parahippocampal gyrus, and right thalamus (clusters : 1358 mu l- p
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