Direct detection of nitrotyrosine-containing proteins using an aniline-based oxidative coupling strategy

Autor: Sangsuwan, Rapeepat, Obermeyer, Allie C, Tachachartvanich, Phum, Palaniappan, Krishnan K, Francis, Matthew B
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), vol 52, iss 65
Popis: A convenient two-step method is described for the detection of nitrotyrosine-containing proteins. First, nitrotyrosines are reduced to aminophenols using sodium dithionite. Following this, an oxidative coupling reaction is used to attach anilines bearing fluorescence reporters or affinity probes. Features of this approach include fast reaction times, pmol-level sensitivity, and excellent chemoselectivity.
Databáze: OpenAIRE