Gamma Spectrum from Neutron Capture on Tungsten Isotopes

Autor: Hurst, Aaron
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Hurst, Aaron. (2010). Gamma Spectrum from Neutron Capture on Tungsten Isotopes. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Retrieved from:
Popis: An evaluation of thermal neutron capture on the stable tungsten isotopes is presented, with preliminary results for the compound systems 183;184;185;187W. The evaluation procedure compares the g-ray cross-section data collected at the Budapest reactor, with Monte Carlo simulations of g-ray emission following the thermal neutron-capture process. The statistical-decay code DICEBOX was used for the Monte Carlo simulations. The evaluation yields new gamma rays in 185W and the confirmation of spins in 187W, raising the number of levels below which the level schemes are considered complete, thus increasing the number of levels that can be used in neutron data libraries.
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