The role of stem cells in airway repair: Implications for the origins of lung cancer

Autor: Jablons, David, Mulvihill, MS, Kratz, JR, Pham, P, Jablons, DM, He, B
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Jablons, David; Mulvihill, MS; Kratz, JR; Pham, P; Jablons, DM; & He, B. (2013). The role of stem cells in airway repair: Implications for the origins of lung cancer. UC San Francisco: Retrieved from:
Popis: Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. Recently, advancements in our ability to identify and study stem cell populations in the lung have helped researchers to elucidate the central role that cells with stem cell-like properti
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