Genetic ancestry-smoking interactions and lung function in African Americans: A cohort Study

Autor: Ziv, Elad, Sen, Saunak, Burchard, Esteban, Aldrich, MC, Kumar, R, Colangelo, LA, Williams, LK, Kritchevsky, SB, Meibohm, B, Galanter, J, Hu, D, Gignoux, CR
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Ziv, Elad; Sen, Saunak; Burchard, Esteban; Aldrich, MC; Kumar, R; Colangelo, LA; et al.(2012). Genetic ancestry-smoking interactions and lung function in African Americans: A cohort Study. UC San Francisco: Retrieved from:
Popis: Background: Smoking tobacco reduces lung function. African Americans have both lower lung function and decreased metabolism of tobacco smoke compared to European Americans. African ancestry is also associated with lower pulmonary function in African Americ
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