Mapping out the emergence of topological features in the highly alloyed topological Kondo insulators Sm1−xMxB6(M=Eu,Ce)

Autor: Xu, Yishuai, Kotta, Erica C, Song, MS, Kang, BY, Lee, JW, Cho, BK, Liu, Shouzheng, Yilmaz, Turgut, Vescovo, Elio, Denlinger, Jonathan D, Miao, Lin, Wray, L Andrew
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Physical Review B, vol 104, iss 11
Popis: SmB6 is a strongly correlated material that has been attributed as a topological insulator and a Kondo insulator. Recent studies have found the topological surface states and low temperature insulating character to be profoundly robust against magnetic and nonmagnetic impurities. Here, we use angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy to chart the evolution of topologically linked electronic structure features versus magnetic doping and temperature in Sm1-xMxB6(M=Eu,Ce). Topological coherence phenomena are observed out to ∼30% Eu and 50% Ce concentrations that represent extreme nominal hole and electron doping, respectively. Theoretical analysis reveals that a recent redesignation of the topologically inverted band symmetries provides a natural route to reconciling the persistence of topological surface state emergence even as the insulating gap is lost through decoherence.
Databáze: OpenAIRE