Managing Natural Hazards in Sweden – Needs for Improved Information and Decision Support Systems

Autor: Sköld Gustafsson, Viktor, Andersson Granberg, Tobias, Pilemalm, Sofie, Waldemarsson, Martin
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: This paper explores opportunities for information systems to support emergency response to multiple natural hazards. Interviews were conducted with 12 representatives from actors of the Swedish emergency response system about response to multiple natural hazards. Challenges and needs connected to five themes influencing the response effort were identified: Cooperation, Resource management, Command and control, Common operational picture, and Risk management. The results illuminate a lack of technology to support decisions and analyses during emergency response to both single and multiple natural hazards. Based on this, the paper suggests and discusses information systems and decision support tools to assist in satisfying the identified needs. The findings can inform policy makers in emergency response of where to concentrate the development of collaborative preparedness and response work, and the scientific community of future research directions. Funding agencies: This research is part of the project EMMUNE, funded by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) and FORMAS, a Swedish research council for sustainable development.
Databáze: OpenAIRE