Sperm bank creation of Caspian Sea trout (Salmo trutta caspius) breeders

Autor: Baradaran Noveiri, Shahrouz, Rezvani, S., Zorrieh Zahra, S.J., Alipor, A.R., Fashkhami, M.R., Najar Lashgari, S., Bahramian, B., Zabihi, M., Sayad Borani, M.
Jazyk: perština
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute
Popis: The Caspian Sea trout (Salmo trutta caspius) is distributed in southern basin of the sea and the natural stocks of this fish is critically endangered. The present study was conducted through the breeding seasons of Caspian Sea trout in January 2012. Estimation of sperm male potential was carried on samples collected from a total of 12 male spawners which included 8 samples (caught 3 years ago) and 4 samples (freshly caught). Semen samples were collected after anesthetized with clove powder for 10 minutes at water temperature of 9-9.4 °C. The differences of mean semen volumes, sperm motility time, sperm density and the percentage of sperm motility from freshly caught spawners (5.5±3.4 ml, 35.5±8.7 sec, 4.3±0.7×109 ml^-1, 32.5 ± 8.5% respectively) were significantly higher than 3 years caught spawners (1.5±0.93 ml, 26.5± 2.8 sec, 1.98±1.6×109 ml^-1, 25.7±9.7 % respectively) (P0.05).
Databáze: OpenAIRE