The feasibility of Gamasiab river area fish farming of rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mikiss)

Autor: Mehdizadeh, Gholam Reza, Hoseinjani, A., Qaneh, A., Babaei, H., Abasi, K., Behmanesh, SH., Khodaparast, H., Daghigh Rohi, J., Sadeghinezhad, E., Faeed, D.M., Abedini, M., Valipour, A., Saberi, H., Sayade Borani, M., Danesh Khoshasl, A., Salavatian, M., Afsharchi, H., Davalo, A., Pourabasi, H., Khosravi, A., Mehdinezhad, K., Porgholami Moghaddam, A., Maghsodieh kohan, H.
Jazyk: perština
Rok vydání: 2016
Popis: This study was carried out about 15 months to determine suitable locations for the development of aquaculture across the Gamasiab river of Hamedan province in 2007 - 2008. Physicochemical parameters and macro benthic invertebrates fauna15 and 13 staitions respectively every 45 days and seasonally fish identify in 8 stations were performed according standard methods. The average water temperature was 12.8±3.7 oC, minimum and maximum dissoled oxygen were 2.6 and 12.5 mg/lit respectively during the study. The pH range was between 7.5-8.8 , the minimum and maximum Ec was 250 and 750 µmos/cm in Mehr and Tir.The transparency range was recorded about 1-103 F.T.U. The uder factors such as amount of suspended materials: 0.01-0.1 mg/l, amount of BOD5: 0.05-6.2 mg/l and COD: 30 (minimum) and 70.57 (maximum) were recirded. The total solids material (T.S.S) were less than 1 mg/lit. Totally 37 groups of bentic organisms were identified which 11 groups of them were appertained to pollutionsensitive orders containing Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera and Plecoptera. During fish population studied 21 species belonging 5 family were identified. Based on obtained results of biological, ecological, economic and social parameters, 10 sites in 7 areas were suitable identified for fish rearing and 12 aquaculture programs (10 plan for fish rearing and 2 plan for increasing fish production of (Onchorhynchus mikiss).The minimum and maximum production capacity in mentioned places was stimated about 1675 and 3850 tons respectively. Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute Published
Databáze: OpenAIRE