How to best communicate Bioaerosol Science to different audiences

Autor: Bailly, Adrien
Přispěvatelé: Drew, Gill H., Nasar, Zaheer
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Scientific research aims to advance society through its results and discoveries. However scientific discoveries and results are for most people very difficult to access, both from the point of view of pure understanding and the accessibility of science to non-expert audiences. Making scientific knowledge more accessible to wider public is challenging, especially for an interdisciplinary field like bioaerosol science, where effective communication to various stakeholders is facing complex challenges. This study is integrated into the BioAirNet research network, in the theme of public and policy engagement. Here, the focus is on how best to communicate the science of Biological Particulate Matter (BioPM) or airborne micro-organisms (bioaerosols) and associated results. The aim of the research was to develop a framework for communicating bioaerosol science to different stakeholder; the General Public (GP), professionals, from different areas and the regulators. To do this, the research work consisted of analysing the concerns of the stakeholders, conducting a literature review, and carrying out qualitative data analysis (QDA). Then with the result obtained an investigation on the best communication mechanisms and the research on the key message for the stakeholders. The results of the study led to a Framework that is an asset for a better understanding of stakeholder engagement (SE) through effective scientific communication. this research confirms the fact that when the objective is to communicate to a certain audience or stakeholders identified, understanding the audiences and their concerns is crucial for the achievement. This study provides mechanisms through the choice of well-adapted tools for science communication. The framework developed allows reducing as much as possible the uncertainties and the technical/scientific issues inherent to science communication. MSc in Environmental Management for Business
Databáze: OpenAIRE