EURISOL Fission Target Design adapting MAFF concept

Autor: O. Alyakrinskiy, M. Barbui, L.B. Tecchio (INFN-Legnaro)F. Negoita, L. Serbina, E. Udup (NIPNE-Bucharest)
Jazyk: angličtina
Popis: The first two version of design as described in “Fission Target Design” report available on Task 4 pages on EURISOL web-site (, integrating a number of eight fission targets and ion sources around the multiMW Hg target inside one large vacuum vessel, have raised several concerns about the viability of the concept. Following the decision of EURISOL-DS Management Board, the adaptation of solutions proposed for MAFF project was studied from different points of view within tasks 2-4. In the present report, the new engineering design coming out form these studies is described and discussed.
Databáze: OpenAIRE