Development of a high intensity sup 4 sup 8 Ca ion beam for the heavy element program

Autor: Wutte, D C, Leitner, M, Lyneis, C
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2002
Popis: A high intensity sup 4 sup 8 Ca ion beam has been developed at the 88 Inch Cyclotron for the synthesis of sup 2 sup 8 sup 3 112 using the reaction sup 2 sup 3 sup 8 U( sup 4 sup 8 Ca, 3n). An ion beam intensity of approx 700 pnA was delivered on target, resulting in a total dose of 2 x 10 sup 1 sup 8 ions over a six day period. Since sup 4 sup 8 Ca is a very expensive and rare isotope minimal consumption is essential. Therefore a new oven [1] and special tantalum liner [2] have been developed for the AECR-U ion source during the last year to improve the metal ion beam efficiency. Both the LBL ECR and the AECR-U ion sources are built with radial access. Six radial slots between the sextupole magnet bars provide additional pumping and easy access to the plasma chamber for ovens and feedthroughs. Two types of radial ovens have been used at LBNL in the past, operating at temperatures up to 2100 C.
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