Reference Measurements of the Longitudinal Impedance in the CERN SPS

Autor: Shaposhnikova, E, Bohl, T, Damerau, H, Hanke, K, Linnecar, T, Mikulec, B, Tan, J, Tückmantel, Joachim
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2009
Popis: First reference measurements of the longitudinal impedance were made with beam in the SPS machine in 1999 to quantify the results of the impedance reduction programme, completed in 2001. The 2001 data showed that the low-frequency inductive impedance had been reduced by a factor 2.5 and that bunch lengthening due to the microwave instability was absent up to the ultimate LHC bunch intensity. Measurements of the quadrupole frequency shift with intensity in the following years suggest a significant increase in impedance (which nevertheless remains below the 1999 level) due to the installation of eight extraction kickers for beam transfer to the LHC. The experimental results are compared with expectations based on the known longitudinal impedance of the SPS.
Databáze: OpenAIRE