Evaluation of Filtration Efficiency of Ceramic Foam Filters (CFF) Using a Hydraulic Water System

Autor: Hassanabadi, Massoud, Akhtar, Shahid, Bilek, Petr, Aune, Ragnhild E.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: JOM: The Member Journal of TMS
Popis: The filtration efficiency of Ceramic Foam Filters (CFFs) of grades 50 and 65 has been quantitatively evaluated using a hydraulic water system. Distilled water seeded with Polystyrene Microsphere particles with a distribution of 20 and 50 µm. The polystyrene particles were illuminated during the filtration step by a continuous laser sheet placed before and after the filter. Images of the illuminated particles were acquired, and their number automatically distinguished and counted by the use of the image processing software. The filtration efficiency was further calculated based on the ratio of counted particles before and after the filter. Based on the obtained results the potential of the present method is discussed for evaluating the filtration efficiency of CFFs as the filtration media for molten aluminium.
Databáze: OpenAIRE