Model regionalne logistike transportnim sistemima

Autor: Marković, Goran Đ.
Přispěvatelé: Gašić, Milomir, Bukumirović, Milan, Marinković, Zoran, Vladić, Jovan, Simović, Tomislav
Jazyk: srbština
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Универзитет у Крагујевцу
Popis: Strateška savremena orijentacija naše privrede koja predviđa razvoj malih i srednjih preduzeća ističe potrebu novog prilaza unapređenju regionalnog privređivanja. Stvaranje osnove za projektovanje novog rešenja logističkog koncepta u osnovi se poklapa i vezuje za proces razvoja logističkih centara koji bi bili opremljeni savremenim transportno- skladišnim sistemima uz maksimalno učešće mehanizacije i automatizacije. Savremeni uslovi poslovanja nameću takvim sistemima potrebu za kontinualnim, efikasnim i kvalitetnim odlučivanjem. Zbog osobenosti i prirode samog procesa odlučivanja u domenu logistike i logističkih sistema, očekuje se da je moguće razviti univerzalni v išekriterijumski pristup za izbor optimalne lokacije regionalnog distributivnog centra, kao i transportnih sistema u okviru istog, a nakon toga izvršiti upravljanje istog savremenim informacionim tehnologijama, što b i n a k raju dalo ključan doprinos unapređenju privrede i poslovanja. Kompleksnost i učestalost realnih višekriterijumskih problema nameće potrebu za korišćenjem grupe metoda višekriterijumske analize. U ovakvim slučajevima postoji veliki broj tehnički ostvarivih alternativa i zadatak projektanta je da iz skupa mogućih rešenja izabere ono koje najbolje ispunjava tehničke i ekonomske uslove definisane projektnim zadatkom. U samom istraživanju, kombinovanjem metoda za određivanje relativne važnosti kriterijuma i odifikovanih metoda rangiranja alternativa donosi se optimalna odluka o izvesnom problemu bez obzira na prirodu parametara koji ga opisuju. Specifičnosti navedenog pristupa ogledaju se u funkciji preferentnosti, promeni postojećih i uvođenju novih generalizovanih kriterijuma, automatizaciji postupka izbora generalizovanih kriterijuma i analizi uticaja promene težinskih koeficijenata na konačan redosled alternativa, a u cilju identifikacije najkritičnijih i najjačih kriterijuma u procesu odlučivanja. Takođe, pristup karakteriše mogućnost uzimanja u obzir lingvističkih izraza o važnosti kriterijuma i vrednosti alternativa po istim, smanjen je broja kriterijuma uz neophodnu verifikaciju i uporednu analizu tako dobijenih rezulatata sa ostalim pristupima višekriterijumske analize. The strategic modern orientation of our economy that foresees development of small and medium-sized enterprises highlights the need for new approaches to the improvement of regional economy. Creation of the basis for design of a new solutionof the logistics concept essentially coincides and is connected with the process of development of logistics centers which would be equipped with modern transport and storage systems with the maximum participation of mechanization and automation. Modern business conditions impose on such systems the need for continuous, efficient and quality decision-making. Due to the characteristics and nature of the decision-making process in the domain of logistics and logistics systems, it is expected that it is possible to develop a universal multicriteria approach for the selection of the optimal location of a regional distribution center and transportation systems within it, and then control it by modern information management technologies, which would ultimately provide a key contribution to the improvement of economy and business. The complexity and frequency of real multicriteria problems impose the need to use a group of methods of multicriteria analysis. In these cases, there is a large number of technically feasible alternatives and the task of the designer is to choose, from a set of possible solutions, the solution that best meets the technical and economic requirements defined by the project task. In this research, the combination of methods for determining the relative importance of criteria and modified methods of ranking alternatives results in the optimal decision on a certain problem regardless of the nature of parameters that describe it. The specific characteristics of this approach are reflected in the preference function, the change of the existing generalized criteria and introduction of new ones, the automation of the procedure for selection of generalized criteria and the analysis of the impact of changes in weights on the final order of alternatives for the purpose of identification of the most critical and most powerful criteria in the decision-making process. Also, the approach is characterized by the possibility of taking into account the linguistic expressions of the importance of criteria and values of alternatives , the reduction of the number of criteria with the necessary verification and the comparative analysis of thus obtained results with other multicriteria analysis approaches.
Databáze: OpenAIRE