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Doktorska disertacija Slika Španije u putopisima i novinskim člancima Miloša Crnjanskog koncentrisana je oko imagološkog preispitivanja slike Španije u putopisima i novinskim člancima Miloša Crnjanskog. Putovanje u strane zemlje obeležilo je život Miloša Crnjanskog (Čongrad, 1983 – Beograd, 1977), srpskog romanopisca, pesnika, dramaturga, putopisca, esejiste, publiciste. Sama biografija ovog autora nametnula je žanr putopisa. Budući da o boravku Miloša Crnjanskog u Španiji nema detaljnijih podataka u najpotpunijoj biografiji pisca, koju je sačinio Radovan Popović, rad nastaje iz potrebe istraživanja perioda života koji sam Crnjanski ističe kao veoma važan, ali i zbog značaja proučavanja nterkulturnih i interliterarnih odnosa dveju zemalja, preko analize dela Miloša Crnjanskog i uticaja koje je boravak u Španiji ostavio na autorov život, njegovu misao i poetiku. U radu se primenjuje analitičko-sintetički metodološki pristup, teorijske metode poststrukturalističke interdisciplinarne imagologije, nastale na osnovama komparatistike i interliterarnosti, a koja se bavi proučavanjem slike jednog naroda u književnom stvaralaštvu drugog naroda. Ovakvim teorijskim pristupom, predstavljenim u uvodnom delu disertacije, rad ima za cilj da preispita viziju Španije u putopisima i novinskim člancima Miloša Crnjanskog i da dovede ideje autora u vezu sa kontekstom aktuelnih rasprava o tzv. „španskom problemu“, odnosno sa opštom duhovnom atmosferom potrage za španskim nacionalnim identitetom u delima španskih književnika, političara i intelektualaca, naročito književne Generacije '98 u prvim decenijama 20. veka u Španiji. The PhD dissertation The Image of Spain in the Travelogues and Newspaper Articles of Miloš Crnjanski is concentrated on the imagological rethinking of the picture of Spain in the travelogues and newspaper articles of Miloš Crnjanski. The life of Miloš Crnjanski (Čongrad, 1983 – Belgrade, 1977), Serbian novelist, poet, laywright, travel writer, essayist, and publicist was labeled by travelling to the foreign countries. The biography of the author itself imposed the genre of travel writing. Since there is no detailed information on the staying of Miloš Crnjanski in Spain in the most thorough biography of the author, written by Radovan Popović, the dissertation originates from the need for the research of the period of life that Crnjanski himself emphasizes as very important, yet from the importance of the study of the intercultural and interliterary relations between these two countries as well, through the analysis of the work of Miloš Crnjanski and the influence of the staying in Spain on the author‟s life, thought, and poetics. The dissertation applies analytic-synthetic method, theoretical methods of poststructuralist interdisciplinary imagology developed on the basis of comparative and inter literary studies that examines images of a nation in the literary opus of another nation. With this theoretical approach, presented in the introduction of the dissertation, the thesis aims at reexamining the image of Spain in the travelogues and newspaper articles of Miloš Crnjanski and at relating the ideas of the author to the context of the current discussions on so called Spanish issue, meaning to the general spiritual atmosphere of the search for Spanish national identity in the works of Spanish writers, politicians, and intellectuals, especially those of Generation ’98 in the first decade of 20th century in Spain. |