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Ova doktorska disertacija obuhvata temeljno kritičko razmatranje teme identiteta kao jednog od suštinskih pitanja latioameričkog društva i pojedinca, koje predstavlja okosnicu celokupnog dela meksičkog književnika Karlosa Fuentesa (Carlos Fuentes, 1928-2012). Cilj disertacije je da temeljnim sagledavanjem istorijskih, filozofskih i književnih tokova osvešćivanja tamošnjeg čoveka i društva, kroz prizmu detaljne analize opusa Karlosa Fuentesa, ukažemo na osobenost i značaj hispanoameričkog identiteta i na doprinos meksičkog pisca traganju za njim odnosno njegovom pronalaženju. Našim istraživanjem nastojali smo takođe da sagledamo stavove ovdašnjih hispanista u vezi sa temom kojom se bavimo, kao i da nagovestimo prisustvo i uticaj dela Karlosa Fuentesa na našim prostorima... This doctoral dissertation deals with a detailed critical examination of the identity theme as one of the seminal questions when the Latin American society and a Latin American individual are concerned, which is a crucial point of the Mexican author Carlos Fuentes’s oeuvre. The aim of the dissertation is to convey the characteristics and significance of Hispanic identity, as well as the author’s contribution in the search of that identity and its forming, by the means of thorough analysis of historical, philosophical and literary emancipatory elements active both in the individual and in the society, as they are presented in Carlos Fuentes’s works. The dissertation also offers the views of Serbian scholars of Hispanic literature and culture on this topic, and aims at establishing the presence and influence of Carlos Fuentes in our country... |