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U okviru ove doktorske disertacije predstavljeni su rezultati ispitivanja dinamike rešetke kvazi-dvodimenzionalnih materijala metodom Ramanove spektroskopije. Ova spektroskopska tehnika uspešno se koristi za ispitivanje kristalne strukture, mehaničkih i termalnih karakteristika materijala, faznih prelaza, elektronske strukture sistema, te samim tim može da pruži najrazličitiji skup informacija o fundamentalnim svojstvima kvazi-dvodimenzionalnih materijala... The results of a Raman scattering study of Quasi-two-dimensional materials are presented as part of this doctoral dissertation. Considering that Raman Spectroscopy has been succesfully used to obtain information regarding crystal and electronic structure, mechanical and termal properties of the material in question, and to probe phase transitions, it is an experimental technique that provides a wide spectrum of information on fundamental properties of Quasi-two-dimensional materials... |