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Циљ овог научног истраживања је да допринесе бољем разумевању појма права ЕУ у Републици Србији, да проучи утицај секундарног права и примарног права ЕУ на правни систем и законе Републике Србије, као и да утврди актуелно стање у области усвајања и примене права ЕУ у Србији. У истраживању су коришћене следеће методе: правни (нормативни) метод, метод анализе садржаја, метод студије случаја, метод тумачења опште норме права ЕУ (уз језичко и логичко тумачење), Историографски метод, као и посебне научне методе: анализа, синтеза, индукција, дедукција, апстракција, генерализација. Лисабонски уговор се већ примењује у правном систему и законима Републике Србије... The aim of the current scientific research is: to contribute to better understanding of the EU law terminology in the Republic of Serbia, to study the influence of EU secondary law and primary law on the Serbian legislation system and the laws of the Republic of Serbia and to establish the actual status in the field of the EU laws adoption and application in Serbia. The used research methods include: legislative (normative) method, the content analysis method, the case study method, interpretation of the general normative of the EU legislation, with linguistic and logical interpretation, historiographic method and specific scientific methods - including analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, abstraction and generalization. The application of the Lisbon Agreement has already started in the laws of the Republic of Serbia. Unfortunately, it is frequently done inappropriately, or the legislator implements parts of the primary law referring to the regulations which have no direct legal connection with the law contents. The regulations of the European Union are inappropriate for the direct application in the Republic of Serbia. First of all, because they are totally obligatory, and only for the EU member states. On the other hand, the Serbian legislator is not able to fulfill the too ambitious deadline, the year 2012, for the general synchronizing with Acquis Communautaire. It is also clear that the deadline for the SAA, the year 2014, cannot be fulfilled. Such conclusion is drawn from the fact that the screening by the European Commission has not started yet. With the application of Acquis Communautaire, the coherence of the legal system in the Republic of Serbia will be infringed. In that context, it is necessary to synchronize regulations, instructions, and other parts of Acquis Communautaire with the Serbian legislature, as well as with the part of the Serbian legal system which does not refer to Acquis Communautaire. |