Могућности употребе функционалних система веза Републике Србије у одбрани земље

Autor: Gligorijević, Milan M.
Přispěvatelé: Mišović, Slobodan, Kilibarda, Zoran, Drača, Dragan
Jazyk: srbština
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Универзитет у Београду
Popis: Да би се остварио јединствени систем веза ВС, који би био обухватан и безбедан, а истовремено у функцији одбране Републике Србије, велики технолошки системи из области саобраћаја, везе, телекомуникација и информатике дужни су да ускладе те системе са потребама одбране земље... In order to achieve a unified communications system of Serbian Armed Forces (SAF), which would be inclusive and safe, as well as functional for defence of Republic of Serbia, large technological systems in the area of traffic, connections, telecommunications and information are required to adjust those systems for needs of country’s defense. A unique communication system, which is continuous and in state of emergency can be supported by elements and infrastructure of external state systems is very important condition for successful commanding of all forces in defense system. The fact that in recent years, large systems, such as the Ministry of Interior (MOI), Serbian Public Media Service (RTS), Serbian Railway (SR) have invested considerable efforts and material resources and developed their own independent communicational systems along the territory of our country, creates new possibilities for using such functional systems in the defense of State. The work as subject of research sets the analysis of the possibility for using functional communicating networks that MOI, SR, RTS and Industry of Electric Power (EPS) own and other holders of similar functional connections, for needs of defending systems of Republic of Serbia. In relation to the cited subject of studies, the main goal of this paper is to evaluate possibilities for establishing a continuous communications system at SAF, in the time of war or the immediate danger of war, in which cases the support of given system would be based on functional systems of certain external holders that are not inside SAF. The basic hypothesis of the paper is that the functional communicating systems of MOI, SR, EPS, River Shipping, Republic Hydrometerological Service and other holders, can provide a high level of support for ensuring continuity of communication systems for defense purposes. Basic as well as special hypotheses and objectives of the paper were researched through multidisciplinary, theoretical and methodological approach, and used methods were analyzing and comparing of the content, focusgroup interviews, statistical analysis and modeling...
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