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Doktorska disertacija predstavlja rezultat ispitivanja uticaja toksičnih elemenata na aktivnost enzima u rizosferi bokvice (Plantago lanceolata) i maslačka (Taraxacum officinale), kao i mogućnost upotrebe ovih biljaka u biomonitoringu i fitoremedijaciji. Istraživanje je izvršeno na području Bora i okoline na mestima uzorkovanja pod uticajem zagađenja iz topionice bakra, kao i sa flotacijskih jalovišta i odlagališta raskrivke. U uzorkovanom zemljištu određivane su fizičkohemijske osobine (pH vrednost, sadržaj vlage i organske materije, kao i granulometrijski sastav zemljišta), sadržaj elemenata (Al, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb i Zn), kao i aktivnost enzima u zemljištu (ß-glukozidaze, ureaze, arilsulfataze, kisele i alkalne fosfataze), dok je u uzorcima biljnog materijala analiziran sadržaj metala. Sadržaj elemenata u zemljištu koji je prelazio zakonom definisane granične i remedijacione vrednosti, kao i visoke vrednosti faktora kontaminacije i obogaćenja zemljišta, naročito za Cu, Pb i Zn, ukazale su da su mesta u neposrednoj blizini topionice, kao i na pravcima dominantnih vetrova pod uticajem zagađenja emitovanog tokom pirometalurške proizvodnje bakra. Ispitivanja su pokazala značajan uticaj fizičko-hemijskih osobina (naročito pH vrednosti) zemljišta i sadržaja elemenata na aktivnost enzima u rizosferi bokvice i maslačka, pri čemu aktivnost arilsulfataze ima potencijala za upotrebu u indikaciji zagađenja. Analiza koncentracija elemenata u biljnom materijalu ukazala je na mogućnost upotrebe ovih biljaka (naročito nadzemnih delova) u biomonitoringu. Bokvica i maslačak nisu pokazali potencijal za upotrebu u fitoremedijaciji (izuzev bokvice za fitostabilizaciju Zn), pri čemu je kod obe biljne vrste uočena ekskluzija elemenata. The doctoral dissertation represents the results of investigating the influence of toxic elements on enzyme activities in ribwort plantain (Plantago lanceolata) and dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) rhizosphere, as well as the possibilities of using these plants in biomonitoring and phytoremediation. The research was conducted in Bor and its surroundings at the sampling sites under the influence of pollution from the copper smelter, as well as flotation tailings ponds and overburden dumps. Physico-chemical properties (pH value, content of moisture and organic matter, and soil texture), the content of the elements (Al, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb i Zn), as well as soil enzyme activities (ß-glucosidase, urease, arylsulphtase, acid and alkaline phosphatase) were determined in the sampled soil, while the content of the metals was analyzed in plant material. The content of the elements in soil which exceeded the limit and remediation values defined by the Serbian Regulation, as well as high values of soil contamination and enrichment, especially for Cu, Pb and Zn, indicated that the sampling sites in the vicinity of the smelter, as well as in the prevailing wind directions were under the influence of the pollution originating from the pyrometallurgical copper production. The investigations showed a significant influence of soil physico-chemical properties (especially soil pH value) and soil elemental content on the enzyme activities in ribwort plantain and dandelion rhizosphere, whereby arylsulphatase activity had the potential for usage in pollution indication. The analysis of the content of the elements in the plant material showed the potential for usage of the selected plant (especially aboveground parts) in biomonitoring. Ribwort plantain and dandelion did not show the potential for usage in phytoremediation (except ribwort plantain for phytostabilization of Zn), whereby in both plant species the exclusion of the elements was observed. |