Adsorption and emulsifying properties of pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) seed protein isolate and hydrolysate

Autor: Bučko, Sandra
Přispěvatelé: Katona, Jaroslav, Petrović, Lidija, Popović, Ljiljana, Fraj, Jadranka, Đorđević, Verica
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Универзитет у Новом Саду
Popis: Seme tikve (Cucurbita pepo) obiluje kako uljem tako i proteinima. Nakon izdvajanja ulja, proteini se koncentrišu u uljanoj pogači, sekundarnom proizvodu procesa proizvodnje ulja, gde njihov sadrţaj dostiţe do 65%. Proteini semena tikve su primamljiv sastojak za prehrambenu, farmaceutsku i kozmetičku industriju zbog svoje farmakološke aktivnosti i visoke biološke vrednosti. Pored toga, budući da su mnogi proizvodi ovih industrija po svojoj koloidnoj prirodi emulzije, proteini semena tikve bi se u njima mogli naći i kao prirodne površinski aktivne materije. Međutim, koloidna funkcionalnost proteina semena tikve se još uvek potcenjuje zbog globularne strukture za koju se vezuju slabija funkcionalna svojstva u odnosu na proteine sa fleksibilnijom strukturom. Prema tome, cilj ove disertacije je ispitivanje funkcionalnih osobina proteinskog izolata semena tikve, pre svega njegovih adsorpcionih i emulgujućih svojstava, kao i ispitivanje uticaja promene proteinske strukture putem enzimske hidrolize na ispitivana svojstva. Pripremljeni su izolat proteina semena tikve (IPST) i dva enzimska hidrolizata, H1 i H2. IPST, H1 i H2 su okarakterisani određivanjem sadržaja vlage, proteina i pepela, zatim, određivanjem prinosa, molekulske mase i zeta potencijala. Ispitan je uticaj koncentracije proteina/peptida (0,0001–1 g/100 cm3), pH (3–8) i jonske jačine (0–1 mol/dm3 NaCl) na rastvorljivost i adsorpciona svojstva: dinamički međupovršinski pritisak (ulje/voda), statički površinski (vazduh/voda) i međupovršinski (ulje/voda) pritisak, kinetiku adsorpcije i dilatacionu reologiju proteinskih adsorpcionih filmova. Nakon toga, ispitan je i uticaj pomenutih parametara na emulziona svojstva IPST, H1 i H2. Emulgujuća svojstva IPST, H1 i H2 su okarakterisana na osnovu prosečnog prečnika kapljica emulzija, raspodele veličina kapljica i stabilnosti emulzija. Utvrđeno je da je prinos IPST veći od prinosa oba hidrolizata za oko 65 %. IPST ima najniţu rastvorljivost na pH=5, što ujedno predstavlja i njegovu izoelektričnu tačku. Enzimskom hidrolizom IPST značajno se povećava rastvorljivost, posebno na pI=5. Povećanje jonske jačine je izazvalo salting–in ili salting–out efekat rastvorljivosti kod svih uzoraka u zavisnosti od pH. IPST, H1 i H2 poseduju površinsku aktivnost pri čemu je površinski/međupovršinski pritisak H1 i H2 manje zavistan od promene pH i jonske jačine u poređenju sa površinskim/međupovršinskim pritiskom IPST. Adsorpcijom na granicu faza IPST i oba hidrolizata obrazuju adsorpcione filmove sa dominantnom elastičnom komponentom. Emulgujuća svojstva IPST, H1 i H2 zavise od koncentracije uzorka, pH vrednosti i jonske jačine kontinualne faze. Pri koncentraciji od 1 g/100 cm3 i Ic=0 mol/dm3 pripremljene emulzije su stabilne na svim pH osim emulzije IPST na pH 5. Sve emulzije podležu gravitacionoj nestabilnosti. Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) seed is rich source of both, oil and proteins. Once the oil has been extracted, proteins concentrate in oil cake, a by–product of the oil extraction process, where their content can reach up to 65%. Pumpkin seed proteins are desirable ingredient in food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry due to their pharmacological activities and high biological value. Moreover, since many of products of these industries are, in colloidal terms, emulsions, pumpkin seed proteins could serve as surface active materies. However, colloidal functionality of pumpkin seed proteins is still underestimated for their globular structure which entails inferior functional properties to functional properties of proteins with more flexible structure. Based on that, the aim of this dissertation is to investigate functional properties of pumpkin seed protein isolate, adsorption and emulsifying properties, in the first place, and then to investigate the influence of modification of the protein structure, by means of enzymatic hydrolysis, on the aforementioned properties. Pumpkin seed protein isolate, IPST, and two enzymatic hydrolysates, H1 and H2, were prepared. IPST, H1 and H2 were characterized by determination of moisture, ash and protein content, then, by determination of protein recovery, molecular mass and zeta potential. Influence of the protein/peptide concentration (0.0001–1 g/100 cm3), pH (3–8) i ionic strength (0–1 mol/dm3 NaCl) on the solubility and adsorption properties: dynamic interfacial (oil/water) pressure, static surface (air/water) and interfacial (oil/water) pressure, adsorption kinetics and interfacial dilatational properties, was investigated next. In the end, influence of the aforementioned pharameters on the emulsifying properties of IPST, H1 and H2 was investigated. Emulsifying properties of IPST, H1 and H2 were discussed in terms of mean droplet diameter, droplet size distribution and emulsion stability. Protein recovery of IPST was determined to be 65 % higher than recovery of H1 and H2. Solubility of IPST was the lowest at pH 5, what presents the isoelectric point. The enzymatic hydrolysis of IPST significantly increased solubility, especialy at the isoelectric point. Increase in the ionic strenght led to salting–in or salting–out effect depending on pH of the sample. Three investigated samples, IPST, H1 and H2 exhibited surface activity, however, sufrace/interfacial pressure of H1 and H2 were found to be less influenced by change in pH or ionic strenght of the solution in comparison to the IPST. Once adsorbed to the interface IPST and both hydrolysates form interfacial film with dominant elastic component. Emulsifying properties of IPST, H1 and H2 depend on the concentration, pH and ionic strength of the continuous phase. Stabile emulsions were formed at concentration of 1 g/100 cm3 and Ic=0 mol/dm3 regardless of pH, with the exception of the IPST at pH 5. All emulsions were susceptibile to gravitational separation.
Databáze: OpenAIRE