Kritička analiza konstrukta i provera konvergentno-diskriminativne valjanosti mera kulturalne inteligencije

Autor: Starčević, Jelena S.
Přispěvatelé: Petrović, Danijela, Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana, Opačić, Goran, Macura Milovanović, Sunčica
Jazyk: srbština
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Универзитет у Београду
Popis: Rad se bavi teorijskom i empirijskom validacijom novog pristupa individualnim razlikama u interkulturnoj interakciji, koji se ogleda u konstruktu kulturalne inteligencije. Konstrukt kulturalne inteligencije (KI) je nastao sa jedne strane u pokušaju prevazilaţenja nedostataka postojećih diferencijalno-psiholoških konstrukata u oblasti interkulturnih odnosa, a sa druge strane, u kontekstu razvoja novih pristupa inteligenciji. Konstrukt KI počiva na starim shvatanjima kulture i novim shvatanjima inteligencije. Sa starim modelom kulture u svojoj osnovi, KI se izlaţe brojnim kritikama koje se upućuju ovom modelu kulture, a tiču se impliciranja homogenosti, statičnosti i jasnih granica čiji su „čuvari“ kulturne razlike. Isto vaţi i za druge konstrukte kojima se objašnjavaju individualne razlike u interkulturnoj interakciji. KI je u izvesnoj meri slična ovim konstruktima, kako na planu konceptualizacije, tako i na planu operacionalizacije, a jedinstvena po tome što predstavlja konstrukt inteligencije. KI je najčešće definisana kao sposobnost za uspešnu adaptaciju ili efikasno funkcionisanje u novim kulturnim kontekstima. Po većini autora KI predstavlja višedimenzionalni konstrukt koji obuhvata „mentalne” i sposobnosti na nivou ponašanja. Kao takav, konstrukt KI ne zadovoljava većinu semantičkih kriterijuma za nezavisnu inteligenciju – različiti modeli KI često nisu jasno ili nisu dosledno konceptualizovani na nivou potencijala, a još izrazitije je njihovo iskoračivanje iz okvira kognitivnih sposobnosti. KI je operacionalizovana Skalom kulturalne inteligencije (SKI), instrumentom koji je zasnovan na samoproceni ili proceni posmatrača. To, meĎutim, nije u skladu sa osnovnim empirijskim standardom za nezavisnu inteligenciju, a po kome bi konstrukt inteligencije trebalo da bude operacionalizovan merama maksimalnog učinka. Tako su za potrebe empirijske validacije KI u našoj sredini, razvijene dve mere KI koje su zasnovane na postignuću – Test interkulturnih problemskih situacija (TIPS) i Test znanja o kulturama (TZK). Istraţivanje je imalo za cilj utvrĎivanje konvergentno-diskriminativne valjanosti mera KI, kao jednog od empirijskih uslova da bi se konstrukt smatrao nezavisnim. To je podrazumevalo zadavanje 10 instrumenata koji su, pored mera KI, predstavljali mere akademske inteligencije, socio-emocionalne inteligencije, bazičnih dimenzija ličnosti i interkulturnog iskustva. Istraţivanje je sprovedeno na uzorku od 336 studenata sa različitih fakulteta i univerziteta u Srbiji. Nalazi istraţivanja pokazuju odsustvo konvergentne valjanosti mera koje su korišćene kao indikatori KI. Ove mere su snaţnije povezane sa merama drugih konstrukata nego meĎusobno. Diskriminativna valjanost SKI nije uverljivo potvrĎena, dok korelacione analize i analiza glavnih komponenti potvrĎuju očekivanja da se ova skala, kao mera samoprocene, ne moţe smatrati indikatorom inteligencije. Diskriminativna valjanost TZK je dovedena u pitanje – postoji osnova da se TZK smatra merom kristalizovanog aspekta akademske inteligencije, koja je pod uticajem interesovanja za druge kulture ili iskustava sa drugim kulturama. TIPS je ostao jedinstven meĎu merama u istraţivanju, ali je to barem delom posledica njegove heterogenosti. Izvori varijanse TIPS-a su i sposobnosti i crte ličnosti. U celini gledano, nalazi ovog istraţivanja nisu podrţali ideju da je KI nezavisna inteligencija. Ovaj zaključak je u skladu sa teorijskim analizama KI koje ukazuju na njenu manjkavost kao konstrukta inteligencije i kao konstrukta koji se tiče kulture i kulturnih razlika. The paper deals with theoretical and empirical validation of a new approach to individual differences in intercultural interaction, reflected in the construct of cultural intelligence. Cultural intelligence (CQ) construct emerged on the one hand from attempts to overcome the shortcomings of the existing constructs of differential psychology in the field of intercultural relations, and on the other hand from within the context of developing new approaches to intelligence. CQ construct rests upon the old notions of culture and new notions of intelligence. Based on the old model of culture, CQ is open to a great deal of criticism addressed to it, related to implying homogeneity, unchangeability, and clear boundaries “guarded” by cultural differences. The same also holds for other constructs that explain individual differences in an intercultural interaction. CQ is to an extent similar to such constructs, both at the level of conceptualisation and at the level of operationalisaton, but it is unique in that it represents a construct of intelligence. CQ is most often defined as a capability to successfully adapt to or efficiently function in new cultural contexts. According to most authors, CQ is a multidimensional construct comprising both “mental” and behavioural capabilities. As such, CQ construct does not satisfy most of the semantic criteria for independent intelligence – various models of CQ often fail to be clearly or consistently conceptualised in terms of potentials, and what is even more present is their departure from the framework of cognitive capabilities. CQ is operationalised by means of the Cultural Intelligence Scale (CQS), an instrument based on self-reports or observer reports. This, however, is not in line with the general empirical standard for independent intelligence, which calls for the construct of intelligence to be operationalised through maximum performance measures. Thus, in order to empirically validate CQ in our environment, two achievement-based measures of CQ have been developed – Intercultural problem situations test (IPST) and Cultural knowledge test (CKT). The survey aimed to establish convergent-discriminant validity of CQ measures as one of the empirical requirements for the construct to be deemed independent. This involved setting as tasks the ten instruments that, in addition to CQ measures, also represented measures of academic intelligence, socio-emotional intelligence, basic personality dimensions and intercultural experience. The survey involved the sample of 336 students from different faculties and universities in Serbia. The survey findings indicate the absence of convergent validity of the measures used as CQ indicators. These measures are more strongly related to measures of other constructs than among themselves. Discriminant validity of CQS has not been undoubtedly established, while correlational analyses and principal component analysis confirm the expectations that this scale, as a self-report measure, may not be taken as intelligence indicator. Discriminant validity of the CKT has been called into question – there are grounds for CKT to be deemed as a measure of crystallised aspect of academic intelligence, influenced by interest in other cultures or experiences with other cultures. IPST still remains singular among the survey measures, but it is at least partly due to its heterogeneity. The sources of IPST variances are also capabilities and personality traits. On the whole, the findings of this survey do not support the notion that CQ is an independent intelligence. This conclusion is in line with theoretical analyses of CQ that indicate its inadequacy as a construct of intelligence as well as a construct related to culture and cultural differences.
Databáze: OpenAIRE