Relacije karakteristika prvog napadačkog udarca i takmičarskog postignuća mladih stonotenisera

Autor: Đukić, Branko
Přispěvatelé: Krneta, Željko, Milošević, Zoran, Molnar, Slavko, Ivanek, Vladimir
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Универзитет у Новом Саду
Popis: Cilj ovog istraživanja je identifikacija onih karakteristika prvog napadačkog udarca u odigravanju poena na međunarodnim mečevima u stonom tenisu koji najviše doprinose takmičarskom uspehu stonotenisera kadetskog i juniorskog uzrasta oba pola. Uzorak entiteta su činili međunarodni mečevi stonotenisera kadetskog i juniorskog uzrasta oba pola, koji se nalaze u prvih 60 na rang listi ETTU. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno ukupno 120 mečeva. Posmatrajući ukupan uzorak od 9742 poena, u 90,3 % poena je izveden napadački udarac. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da oko 75 % poena traje do četiri razmenjena udarca kod stonotenisera, a 73 % kod kadetkinja i juniorki. Ovi podaci upućuju na veliki značaj tehničko taktičkih elemenata koji se primenjuju na početku poena. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da su od prvih napadačkih udaraca najčešće primenjivani top spinovi (70,6 %) i flipovi (29,1 %) kod stonotenisera, a kod stonoteniserki 80,9 % top spinova, a 18,1 % flip udaraca. Zastupljenost rotiranih, sigurnih top spin udarca kao PNU je veća kod stonotenisera, dok su devojke u većoj meri koriste snažne FH i BH top spinove u otvaranju faze napada u odnosu na kadete i juniore. Na kratke lopte, bilo da se radi o prijemu servisa ili vraćanju kratkih rezanih lopti, od ukupnog broja izvedenih flip udaraca stonoteniserke primenjuju 46,1 % FH flip, a igrači 36,3 % FH flip udarce. Istraživanjem je dokazano da karakteristike i uspešnost prvog napadačkog udarca (PNU) značajno utiču na takmičarsko postignuće stonotenisera i stonoteniserki kadetskog i juniorskog uzrasta. Uočene razlike u uzrasnim kategorijama mogu poslužiti za potrebe planiranja i programiranja treninga mladih. Rezultati su pokazali da vrste, tipovi udaraca, udarci koji prethode i udarci koji slede nakon prvog napadačkog udarca su važni faktori od kojih zavisi dalji tok poena, naročito ako se u obzir uzme njihova uspešnost. The aim of this research is to identify those characteristics of the first attacking stroke in playing points in international table tennis matches that contribute the most to the competitive success of table tennis players of cadet and junior age of both sexes. The sample of entities consisted of international table tennis matches of cadet and junior age of both sexes, which are in the top 60 on the ETTU ranking list. 120 matches are covered by this research. Looking at the totalVI sample of 9742 points, in 90.3% of points an attacking shot was performed. The research established that about 75% of points lasts up to four exchanged shots in male table tennis players, and 73% in female cadets and juniors. These data indicate on the great importance of technical-tactical elements that are applied at the beginning of the point. The research results showed that from the first attacking blows, top spins (70.6%) and flips (29.1%) were most often used in male table tennis players, and in female table tennis players 80.9% of top spins, and 18.1% of flip shots. The prevalence of rotated, safe top spin shots as first attacking stroke is higher in male table tennis players, while girls are more likely to use strong forehand and bachand top spins in the attack phase opening compared to cadets and juniors. On short balls, whether it is a matter of service receiving or short cut balls returning, 46.1% of the total number of performed flip strokes are applied by female table tennis players, and male players 36.3% of FH flip shots. The research proved that the characteristics and success of the first attacking stroke (PNU) significantly affects the competitive achievement of cadet and junior age table tennis players both sexes. The differences in age categories observed by this research can be used for the purposes of planning and programming youth training. The results showed that the categories, types of shots, theVII precede shots and the shots that follow after the first attacking blow are important factors on which the further points flow depends, especially if points success is taken into account.
Databáze: OpenAIRE