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Prema učešću u ishrani, meso zauzima vodeću poziciju među namirnicama životinjskog porekla. Meso i proizvodi od mesa predstavljaju važan deo ljudske ishrane jer su bogati i pogodni izvori materija neophodnih za normalno funkcionisanje organizma. Poslednjih nekoliko godina raste svest potrošača o konzumiranju "zdravog mesa" pa samim tim i zainteresovanost za alternativne načine uzgoja i proizvodnje svinjskog mesa. Ekstenzivna proizvodnja u Srbiji je uglavnom usmerena na uzgoj jedne od retkih autohtonih rasa svinja - mangulice. U poređenju sa mesom drugih rasa svinja, meso mangulice je tamnije boje, sadrži veći procenat masti, jačeg je mirisa ali je sočnije. Predmet ove doktorske disertacije je određivanje 16 elemenata (natrijum, magnezijum, kalcijum, kalijum, hrom, mangan, gvožđe, kobalt, nikl, bakar, cink, arsen, selen, kadmijum, živa i olovo) u mišićima, jetri i bubrezima intenzivno i ekstenzivno gajenih svinja u Srbiji, kao i u hrani korišćenoj u uzgoju svinja, primenom induktivnokuplovane plazme sa masenim spektrometrom (ICP-MS). Cilj ove studije je da se ispita i uporedi hemijski i mineralni sastav mišića, jetre i bubrega intenzivno (švedski landras) i ekstenzivno (mangulica) uzgajanih svinja u Srbiji da bi se utvrdile međusobne korelacije sadržaja različitih elemenata u tkivima i organima različito gajenih svinja. Studija je pokazala da mangulice imaju više masti, dok je kod landrasa značajno veći sadržaj vode i proteina. Takođe, mineralni sastav različitih mišićnih regija obe vrste svinja se razlikuje. Plećka je mišićna regija sa najviše Fe, Zn i Cu. Utvrđeno je da je sadržaj mikroelemenata kod različito gajenih svinja različit, posebno koncentracija Fe, Zn i Cu, koje su veće kod mišića ekstenzivno gajenih svinja što se može objasniti različitim mineralnim sastavom hrane za svinje, kao i stanjem životne sredine u kojoj su mangulice gajene. Kod makroelemenata dokazano je da mišići i iznutrice ekstenzivno gajenih svinja sadrže veće koncentracije Na. Koncentracije toksičnih elemenata, prvenstveno kadmijuma, značajno su više u iznutricama ekstenzivno gajenih svinja, što je pored razlike u ishrani rezultat dužeg tova. Meat and meat products are an important part of human nutrition because they are rich and suitable sources of nutrients necessary for normal functioning of the organism. For this reason, meat takes leading position among the food of animal origin. For the past few years, consumers' awareness of the consumption of "healthy meat" has grown, and therefore the interest in alternative ways of breeding and pigs’ meat production. Extensive production in Serbia is mainly focused on the breeding of one of the rare indigenous breeds of pigs - mangulica. Compared to the meat of other pig breeds, the meat of mangulica is darker in color, it contains a higher percentage of fat and stronger odour. However, the consistency of this meat is juicier and more palatable. The aim of this study is to examine and compare the chemical and mineral composition of meat cuts, liver and kidneys of intensively (Swedish landrace) and extensively (mangulica) grown pigs in Serbia in order to determine the correlations between different elements in the tissues and organs of various breeding pigs. This will be accomplished by determination of 16 chemical elements (sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium, chromium, manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, arsenic, selenium, cadmium, mercury and lead) in muscle, liver and kidneys of intensively and extensively reared pigs in Serbia, as well as in feed used in pig breeding, using inductively coupled plasma with mass spectrometer (ICP-MS). The study showed that mangulicas have more fat, while the landrace has a significantly higher content of water and protein. Also, the mineral composition of different meat cuts of both pigs varies. Shoulder is a meat cut with the highest concentration of Fe, Zn, and Cu. It was found that the concentrations of microelements in differently reared pigs varies, in particular the concentration of Fe, Zn and Cu, which are higher in the muscles of extensively grown pigs. This can be explained by the different mineral composition of feed as well as the conditions in the environment where the mangulicas are grown. In regard to macroelements, it has been shown that the muscles and offal of extensively reared pigs contain higher concentrations of Na. Concentrations of toxic elements, primarily cadmium, are significantly higher in the offal of extensive pigs, which, apart from the difference in nutrition, is the result of a longer fattening. |