The comprehensive approach and the problem of exiting civil military cooperation: lessons from Uruzgan

Autor: Olsthoorn, P.H.J., Bollen, M.T.I.B., Lobbezoo, E., Rietjens, S.J.H.
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Netherlands Annual Review of Military Studies 2015. The Dilemma of Leaving: Political and Military Exit Strategies / Jörg Noll, Daan van den Wollenberg, Frans Osinga, Georg Frerks, Irene van Kemenade editors, 247-270. The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press / Springer
STARTPAGE=247;ENDPAGE=270;TITLE=Netherlands Annual Review of Military Studies 2015. The Dilemma of Leaving: Political and Military Exit Strategies / Jörg Noll, Daan van den Wollenberg, Frans Osinga, Georg Frerks, Irene van Kemenade editors
Popis: The comprehensive approach was deviced to facilitate cooperation between civilian and military actors, to tackle causes of instability and to create a more safe and secure environment in areas of conflict. Due to weak governance and with police and military not up to their jobs, a Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) was needed to bring these goods in Uruzgan. This article discusses, against the background of the Netherlands' contribution to that PRT, the concept of exiting from a civil-military perspective; cooperation during the exit phase is vital in order to secure results reached. In Uruzgan, a short but intense period of cooperation with the Australian successors ensured a relatively smooth handover, with the Australians continuing to work on more or less similar lines as the Dutch had done.
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