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EDGAR 2.0 (Emission Database for Global Atmospheric Research) provided global annual emissions for 1990 of greenhouse gases CO2, CH4 and N2O and precursor gases CO, NOx, NMVOC and SO2 both per region and on a 1 degrees x 1degrees grid. Similar inventories were compiled for a number of CFCs, halons and methyl bromide, methyl chloroform. This report discusses the applications of EDGAR 2.0 over the last couple of years as well as the validation and uncertainty analysis carried out. About 700 users have downloaded EDGAR 2.0 data during the last 24 year. In addition, the approach taken to compile EDGAR 3.0 is discussed: update and extension from 1990 to 1995 for all gases and extended time series for direct greenhouse gases to 1970-1995 and inclusion of the new 'Kyoto' greenhouse gases HFCs, PFCs, SF6. Selected time profiles for the seasonality of anthropogenic sources are also discussed. The work is linked into and part of the Global Emissions Inventory Activity (GEIA) of IGBP/IGAC. |