Measurement and microscopic analysis of the B-11((p)over-right-arrow,(p)over-right-arrow) reaction at E-p=150 MeV. I. Inelastic scattering

Autor: Hannen, VM, Amos, K, van den Berg, AM, Bieber, RK, Deb, PK, Ellinghaus, F, Frekers, D, Hagemann, M, Harakeh, MN, Heyse, J, de Huu, MA, Krusemann, BAM, Schmidt, R, van der Werf, SY, Wortche, HJ
Přispěvatelé: Research unit Astroparticle Physics, Research unit Nuclear & Hadron Physics
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Physical Review C, 67(5):054320. AMER PHYSICAL SOC
ISSN: 0556-2813
Popis: Cross sections and analyzing powers for the B-11((p) over right arrow ,p(')) reaction have been measured using a 150-MeV polarized proton beam from the AGOR cyclotron at KVI. For the stronger inelastic transitions, also spin-flip probabilities have been extracted. To predict cross sections and spin observables a microscopic (coordinate space) model of elastic scattering has been used, whereas for inelastic scattering calculations were performed in the distorted-wave approximation. In the model calculations a medium-modified two-nucleon effective interaction was used and nuclear structure information was obtained from shell-model calculations in a complete (0+2)(h) over bar omega model space for parity-conserving transitions and a 1 (h) over bar omega shell-model description in the case of parity-changing transitions. With the help of these model calculations, spin-isovector parts of the M1 strengths for the negative-parity states at excitation energies of 2.125 MeV (J(pi)=1/2(-)), 4.445 MeV (J(pi)=5/2(-)), 5.020 MeV (J(pi)=3/2(-)), and 8.920 MeV (J(pi)=5/2(-)) have been extracted and compared to known Gamow-Teller strengths for the analog transitions to C-11.
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