Feasibility study for a zero emission, hydrogen fuel cell powertrain for the Gouwenaar II

Autor: Abma, D., Atli-Veltin, B., Verbeek, R.P., Groep, R. van der
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Popis: This study evaluates the technical and financial feasibility of a fully zero emission sailing with the Gouwenaar II, with a H2 fuel cell powertrain. The Gouwenaar II is a 104TEU inland ship, which is currently equipped with diesel-electric powertrain. The following topics are covered in this document: sailing profile with energy demand, fuel cell power system, H2 bunkering options, onshore H2 production and TCO calculations. The analysis is done for one ship as well as for six (Gouwenaar) ships, sailing on the same route. The study is supported by the Port of Rotterdam subsidy program ‘Schone binnenvaart en duurzame logistiek’ (clean inland shipping and sustainable logistics) and is carried out by a number of industrial partners1 and TNO. The project also includes a similar evaluation with a fully battery-electric driveline, which is reported in a separate report.
Databáze: OpenAIRE