Improving diphone synthesis by adding context-sensitive diphones

Autor: Klabbers, E.A.M., Veldhuis, R.N.J., Koppen, K.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1999
Zdroj: IPO Annual Progress Report, 34, 133-141
ISSN: 0921-2566
Popis: One well-known problem with concatenative synthesis is the occurrence of audible discontinuities at concatenation points. Formant jumps across concatenation points suggest the problem is due to spectral differences. In a previous experiment (Klabbers & Yeldhuis, 1998), the results of a listening experiment were correlated with several spectral distance measures to find one that best predicts the audible discontinuities. The Kullback-Leibler distance proved to be the best measure. In this paper we demonstrate its use for clustering diphones with similar contexts. For each of the clusters, a limited number of context-sensitive diphones is added to the database to reduce the number of audible discontinuities. A new listening experiment was performed, which showed that a significant improvement can be obtained.
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