A Practical Application of Upon Lite for the Development of a Semi-Informal Application Ontology

Autor: De Lille, Nina, Roelens, B.F.C., Guizzardi, Giancarlo, Sales, Tiago Prince, Griffo, Cristine, Fumagalli, Mattia
Přispěvatelé: RS-Research Line Process research (part of AIS program), RS-Research Line Governance research (part of AIS program), Department of Information Science
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Value Modelling and Business Ontologies, 2835, 63-70
Popis: The UPON Lite methodology is developed as a lightweight approach for Ontology Engineering. In contrast to more rigorous engineering methods, UPON Lite is oriented towards a reduced dependence on ontology engineers, which ensures its ease of use for the development of application ontologies. The existing scientific literature reports on six practical applications of the approach in several domains, but they lack a detailed elaboration of the development process that was followed. Therefore, this paper investigates how the UPON Lite development process is reproducible in an actual business context. This is achieved by a case study analysis of UPON Lite in the context of a public organization. For each step of the methodology, the analysis lists the guidelines of the seminal work and describes the case study implementation. This is the starting point for a further operationalization of UPON Lite to increase its adoption in academia and practice.
Databáze: OpenAIRE